My grandmother passed away last year and as my family went through her things it required many decisions. What to keep, what to give away. It has been quite the trip down memory lane as I’ve found old pictures of myself, recordings my family sent while she was traveling the country in an RV, and tons of jewelry. I knew that I didn’t want her things and memories to get lost, but I also don’t really want a bunch of jewelry I likely will never wear sitting in my dresser.

While thinking about what to do with this jewelry, I had a thought that perhaps I could give it new life through Craft Theory and add to creations that I have been making here. I think my grandma would really like this as she was a creative person herself. She crocheted, knitted, appliquéd, and danced. Many of the things she made were sold at craft and holiday fairs and bazaars. Perhaps that’s where I got my love of creating and selling at markets.
So in honor of my Grandma, and grandmas everywhere, I’m introducing a new line of coasters and paperweights called Grandma’s Attic. I took apart much of her jewelry and embedded it in resin so other people can enjoy her life and things as much as I have. Once I have perfected the design and applications, I’ll also be opening up custom orders so others can commemorate and preserve their grandparents memories as well.

Grandma, I love you and I know that you’re looking down on me every day. I hope that this project is bringing a smile to your face.
Bettie Boegem Russell 1924-2019