Craft Theory — Lifestyle

Crafting Cozy Vibes: 5 of Lou's Favorite Autumnal Activities

Lou Kavanaugh

Tags Community, craft, fall, Lifestyle

Crafting Cozy Vibes: 5 of Lou's Favorite Autumnal Activities
As the temperature cools and the sun sets earlier, the gift giving season is creeping around the corner and staying inside with my art supplies is both inevitable and exciting. Fall is, personally, my favorite time of year. I love the crisp air, the leaves changing colors, warm drinks, and of course, crafting. This fall, I want to share with you a variety of activities and crafts that I love to do during this time of year. A gentle reminder for those of you who are making gifts this year: there are roughly 60 days until the holidays, so make sure to pace yourself!

Art and Sustainability: A Beautiful Partnership

Lou Kavanaugh

Tags Education, Lifestyle

Art and Sustainability: A Beautiful Partnership
Art and sustainability are two words that might not seem to go together at first, but they are more connected than you might think. Art can help us understand and protect our planet in a beautiful way. Let's explore how art and sustainability work together.

In the Hot Seat: An Exclusive Interview with Lou

Lou Kavanaugh

Tags Artists, Community, Lifestyle

In the Hot Seat: An Exclusive Interview with Lou
In every successful organization, it’s the people behind the scenes who truly make the difference. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to one of those individuals who bring their unique talents and passion to our team. Meet Lou, a dedicated and enthusiastic member of our team here at Craft Theory. 

Unleashing Your Creative Potential: How Music Can Inspire Your Artistic Journey

Meredith Russell

Tags Education, Lifestyle

Unleashing Your Creative Potential: How Music Can Inspire Your Artistic Journey
Music can inspire our lives in many ways. One that I find extremely important is the creative journey. In this article I share my favorite things to listen to as well as chat about the effect that music can have on our mind, body, and spirit.

The Story of Craft Theory

Meredith Russell

Tags Lifestyle

The Story of Craft Theory

  Well I can say that it’s definitely been a journey to get to the Craft Theory we know and love today. I honestly didn’t even set out to start a business, it just kind of happened. Not a great origin story, I know, but we can’t all be a super hero. In November of 2018 I took a fluid painting class with a couple friends, and it wasn’t great. The instructor touched my painting and attempted to tilt it for me. Needless to say, I was not thrilled with that. Then, when we went back to pick up our...

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